Thursday, November 8 | 6 -7pm FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The adage for writing fiction goes, “Show, don’t tell,” so how does well written, visually based, narrative differ from “Graphic Texts”? Graphic novels are all the rage – … Continue reading

Thursday, November 8 | 6 -7pm FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The adage for writing fiction goes, “Show, don’t tell,” so how does well written, visually based, narrative differ from “Graphic Texts”? Graphic novels are all the rage – … Continue reading
Thursday, October 11 | 6-7pm FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Missed the previous panels? Check them out here! Literary critic Harold Bloom coined the term “The Anxiety of Influence” to describe what cripples poets most from creating truly original … Continue reading
Wednesday, August 15 | 6-7p FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The second installment of Spin Off addresses Master of Fine Arts degrees. Is it necessary to obtain an MFA to be a successful artist? Is a liberal arts degree … Continue reading
What makes contemporary art truly contemporary? Artistic currency is more than a matter of how popular or “hot” an artist may be. Artistic currency has much to do with both how and why contemporary artists make the work they do, … Continue reading